Life Extension Super CLA Blend with Sesame Lignans 1000mg, 120 softgels
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Enjoy the benefits of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and sesame lignans in a convenient nutritional supplement! Found primarily in meat and dairy products, CLA helps increase lean body mass and helps maintain a healthy weight. CLA also promotes immune system health, supports cardiovascular health, helps maintain already normal blood sugar, and encourages healthy lipid profiles as well as body composition.103-119
This innovative formula also contains sesame lignans. Sesame lignans have been shown to stimulate fatty acid oxidation in the liver, and help stimulate fat breakdown — a process known as lipolysis.120,121
Supplement Facts |
Serving Size 3 softgels
Servings Per Container 40
Amount Per Serving |
Calories from Fat
Total Fat
3 g
CLA Blend [from safflower oil providing min. 78% conjugated linoleic acid (2340 mg)]
3000 mg
Sesame seed lignan extract
20 mg
Other ingredients: gelatin, glycerin, purified water, carob color, silica, sunflower lecithin, rosemary extract.
Super CLA Blend is a concentrated blend of free fatty acids derived from safflower oil. Super CLA Blend consists of a minimum of 78% conjugated linoleic acid yielding optimal levels including the two active isomers C18:2 c9,t11 and C18:2 t10,c12, and minimizing the inactive isomers, ensuring a consistent isomer profile.
Dosage and Use |
- Take three (3) softgels daily with meals.
- Can be taken in divided doses or all at once.
- Do not purchase if outer seal is broken or damaged.
- When using nutritional supplements, please consult with your physician if you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition or if you are pregnant or lactating.
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