Life Extension Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Enhanced Mitochondrial Support™ 50 mg, 100 softgels

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CoQ10 promotes heart health and cellular energy production. Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Enhanced Mitochondrial Support™ is formulated with a highly bioavailable ubiquinol form of coenzyme Q10 and augmented with the adaptogen PrimaVie® shilajit, which is shown to further increase CoQ10 absorption, promote cardiovascular health and help promote youthful cellular energy production.

Your heart cells need CoQ10—but so do your other organs. That’s why CoQ10 is also highly concentrated in your brain, liver and kidneys.

CoQ10 Benefits

  • Promotes cellular energy production, especially in the high-energy organs such as the brain, the liver, kidneys & the heart
  • Contains ultra-absorbable ubiquinol CoQ10 augmented with PrimaVie® shilajit to promote mitochondrial CoQ10 absorption to support greater cellular energy output
  • Provides powerful cardiovascular & antioxidant support
  • Offers a way to offset natural CoQ10 depletion over time

CoQ10 for heart health and cellular energy

CoQ10 (or coenzyme Q10) is an essential nutrient your body requires for healthy mitochondrial function, a process that produces body energy at the cellular level.1-3 Because of this, it makes sense that CoQ10 is concentrated in high-energy organs such as your brain, liver, kidneys and your heart.2-6

CoQ10 also has powerful antioxidant properties, protecting important proteins and mitochondrial DNA from oxidative damage.7,8 Unfortunately, CoQ10 levels in the body decrease over time.9,10

Improved bioavailability: ubiquinol

The traditional ubiquinone form of CoQ10 is difficult for the body to absorb.11 That's why Life Extension offers a highly bioavailable form of ubiquinol CoQ10 in a patented delivery system shown to absorb up to 8 times better than ubiquinone.12,13 In people taking this form of ubiquinol, high levels of plasma CoQ10 can be achieved in only four weeks.14

Shilajit enhances CoQ10 effectiveness

PrimaVie® shilajit has been shown to promote mitochondrial metabolism, helping mitochondria convert fats and sugars into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the main source of cellular energy.15-17 When combined with ubiquinol CoQ10, shilajit doubles levels of CoQ10 in the mitochondria.18

Shilajit prolongs CoQ10's efficacy at the cellular level by stabilizing it in its ubiquinol form and promotes greater cellular energy output by improving delivery of CoQ10 into the mitochondria.18-20



CoQ10 and aging

In a pre-clinical model, ubiquinol was up to 40% more effective at slowing measurements of aging compared with ubiquinone.21 In another pre-clinical study, the combination of CoQ10 and shilajit produced a 56% increase in cellular energy production in the brain—40% better than CoQ10 alone. Muscle tissue saw a 144% increase, which was 27% better than with CoQ10 by itself.22

Do your part for a healthy heart

Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Enhanced Mitochondrial Support™ is a powerful formula for heart health and youthful cellular energy support. Add it to your regimen today!


Supplement Facts

Serving Size 1 softgel

Amount Per Serving

Ubiquinol (as Kaneka QH Ubiquinol®)

50 mg

PrimaVie® Shilajit fulvic acid complex

50 mg

Other ingredients: sunflower oil, gelatin, glycerin, purified water, beeswax, sunflower lecithin, annatto color.


Kaneka QH Ubiquinol® is a registered trademark of Kaneka Corporation. 
PrimaVie® is a registered trademark of Natreon, Inc.

Dosage and Use
  • Take one (1) softgel once or twice daily with food, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
  • Do not take while on Warfarin therapy without medical advise


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Tags: life, extension, super, ubiquinol, coq10, with, enhanced, mitochondrial, support™, 100, softgels, antioxidant