Life Extension CinSulin® with InSea2™ and Crominex® 3+, 90 vege caps
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- Item No: 001503
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Even health-conscious, active people can experience higher-than-desired blood sugar levels as they age. Life Extension now offers an enhanced, multipronged approach: CinSulin® with InSea2® and Crominex® 3+. This breakthrough formulation combines cinnamon and seaweed extracts with a unique chromium complex for potent healthy glucose metabolism support.
CinSulin® — CinSulin® is a highly purified, water-soluble form of cinnamon that supports healthy glucose metabolism.12,13 Cinnamon polyphenols help activate our cells’ glucose detection systems, enabling them to support healthy blood glucose already within normal range.18-23
Cinnamon also induces satiety (the feeling of being full) which helps inhibit overeating and optimizes after-meal blood sugar spikes at healthy levels. Compelling in vitro results indicate CinSulin® cinnamon extract can induce a twenty-fold increase in sugar metabolism.16
InSea2® — The health benefits of seaweed extract have been known for years. But a proprietary form of seaweed extract called InSea2® actually blocks the action of glucosidase and amylase. These enzymes break down carbohydrates into glucose, facilitating its transport into the bloodstream. InSea2® also targets hidden sugars that contribute to blood sugar spikes after meals, reducing the caloric impact of sugary foods.
Crominex® 3+ — Chromium helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels already within normal range. And this form of chromium has been optimized with standardized Indian Gooseberry extract and a proprietary form of the adaptogen shilajit. This unique complex helps support:
- Normal cellular glucose absorption28-34
- Healthy endothelial function35,36
- Healthy lipid and triglyceride levels37-40
- Normal cellular energy production41,42
Lasting weight management centers around gaining control of your healthy blood sugar. And CinSulin® with InSea2® and Crominex® 3+ is a perfect way to start!
This supplement should be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program. Individual results are not guaranteed and results may vary.
Supplement Facts | ||||||||||||||
Crominex®3+, Capros® and PrimaVie® are registered trademarks of Natreon, Inc. CinSulin® is a registered trademark of Tang-An Medical Ltd., manufactured under US patent #6,200,569. InSea2® is a registered trademark of InnoVactiv™. |
Dosage and Use | ||||||||||||||
Caution | ||||||||||||||
If you are taking blood glucose lowering medication, consult your healthcare provider before taking this product. |
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