Nutrition Therapy

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast tissue divide and grow without control. The cell cycle is the natural mechanism that regulates the growth and death of cells. When the normal cell regulators malfunction and cells do not die at the proper rate, there is a failure of cell death (apoptosis) therefore cell growth goes unchecked. 

Cholesterol Management

Emerging research has revealed that levels of cholesterol account for only a portion of the cardiovascular risk profile, while the properties of the molecules responsible for transporting cholesterol through the blood, called lipoproteins, offer important insights into the development of atherosclerosis.


Constipation is defined as having infrequent bowel movements, often fewer than three per week, and difficulty passing stools. Most people experience occasional constipation, but about 14% of adults suffer from chronic constipation. Many people turn to laxative medications, but these can lead to dependence and troubling side effects.


Diabetes is caused by abnormal metabolism of glucose, either because the body does not produce enough insulin or because the cells become desensitized to the effects of insulin.

Possible complications in diabetes include damage to eyes, nerve tissue, kidneys, blood vessels and cardiovascular system, and painful peripheral nerve damage. 

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a silent epidemic that threatens the lives of one in every three adults. Of those taking blood pressure medications, control rates vary between less than half to only two-thirds. This means that the majority of those diagnosed with hypertension spend most of their day with blood pressure levels that are dangerously elevated.

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