Scientific Topics

Hidden Factor Behind Kidney Disease Epidemic

In a new report authored by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, people who use proton pump inhibiting drugs to treat heartburn (acid reflux) are at a 20% to 50% increased risk for developing chronic kidney disease.

Relief from Common Digestive Distress

Do you remember how easy it was in youth to consume a high-calorie meal and suffer no unpleasant aftereffects?

One reason we internally managed foods so easily back in those days were the massive amounts of digestive juices we produced that efficiently broke down foods for healthy absorption.

Why 24-Hour Blood Pressure Control Matters

Getting blood pressure under control is essential, but it is only part of the solution.

Over the past decade, it has become clear that daily variations in blood-pressure patterns are also tremendously important, especially in older adults.

Fight Stress and Support Adrenals with Adaptogens

It would be impossible to overstate the devastating impact chronic stress has on Americans’ health. As many as 75% to 90% of primary care physician visits may be related to acute or chronic stress.

 An Overlooked Cause of Depression

While great strides have been made in diagnosing and treating depression, millions of Americans still suffer with this difficult-to-treat disease. It is estimated that 15.7 million American adults experienced depression in the past year.

Antidepressant use is on the rise with one in 10 Americans using them. Unfortunately, antidepressants only work as little as 50% of the time and come with an array of side effects.

Unique Magnesium Compound Reverses Brain Aging

Scientists have been surprised by the discovery that magnesium plays an essential role in supporting brain plasticity, which is the sign of a youthful, flexible brain primed for optimal learning, memory, and cognitive function

Omega-7 An Overlooked Fatty Acid

“Fatty acids” are essential to human life because they are the cell’s primary energy source. Fatty acids also serve as cellular structural components.

Ingesting the proper fatty acids confers significant health and longevity benefits.

Environmental Toxins and Cancer Risk

The chemicals in our water, air, and food, the materials in our home, and non ionizing radiation present cancer risks.1-5

But that doesn’t mean that we are defenseless. Researchers have identified several mechanisms by which most cancer-producing toxins disrupt our body’s defense systems. Compelling evidence reveals how we can defend against these carcinogenic mechanisms.

Bridging the Fiber Gap

Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates said that all disease begins in the gut.

Modern science is proving how right he was.

Scientists are discovering that fiber not only boosts digestive health but also contributes to our immune function.1 This makes sense, considering 70% to 80% of the cells of the immune system are located in the gastrointestinal tract.2

Revitalize Aging Skin with Topical Vitamin C

Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation and environmental pollutants can accelerate skin aging by degrading collagen and triggering oxidative stress in the skin. Fortunately, the anti-aging benefits of a time-honored remedy used by ancient civilizations to heal their skin can help overcome these undesirable effects. Vitamin C is an essential component in the body’s production of collagen1,2 and a potent antioxidant that can help rejuvenate aged and photodamaged skin.3-5

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