Supplements Just for Men

Supplements Just for Men

Supplements Just for Men

It’s a common misconception that men don’t care about their health as much as women do, but we don’t believe it for a second.

There are a lot of extremely dedicated men out there. Trust us, we hear from them all the time.

So, for that reason, we thought we’d focus this post on guys only. It’s about time, right?

Men - if you've ever wondered which supplements you should be focusing on to stay healthy, this one’s for you.

Women - please share this post with the men you care about. Who knows? They may never see it if you don't!



Men’s Supplement Basics

First of all, no supplement program would be complete without these basics:

  • A multivitamin
  • CoQ10
  • Fish oil

They cover a lot of ground in respects to supporting your overall health. A multi, for one provides the basic nutrients your body can’t function without. Fish oil and CoQ10 tackle inflammation and aging, which are two crucial aspects of disease prevention. 

Now that we have our basics covered, let’s move on to our next point, estrogen balance.


Men Need to Balance Estrogen

Men usually don’t think about their estrogen levels, but they should — it’s not just a “female hormone.” Once men approach middle age, something interesting happens. Their testosterone production decreases and estrogen increases. 

This can bring all sorts of problems like changes in energy, mood, and body fat. It’s also been associated with an increased risk for heart disease and stroke.1-2

Young men can also have estrogen imbalances. This is especially true if they have excess belly fat. This may increase the levels of aromatase,3 an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. 

For optimal health, men need to keep their estrogen levels in check. They can do this by taking supplements that help block aromatase. Here are two options to consider:

  • Chrysin4
  • Quercetin5

Don’t Forget Your Prostate

No “manly” health talk would be complete without mentioning the prostate. So we’re going to mention a few tips for starters. 

Men 50 and over need a digital rectal exam. This helps to screen the prostate for cancer. They also need annual PSA tests. 

Men can begin as early as their 20s to screen their PSA levels. This blood marker screens prostate function, and changes over time may indicate prostate problems and even cancer.

Something that is less frequently discussed is the relationship between hormones and the prostate. In particular, a hormone metabolite called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) comes to mind. It’s a more potent version of testosterone which increases as a man ages. When imbalanced, it could become problematic as well. 

Excess DHT is implicated in male pattern baldness and those annoying late night visits to the bathroom. Not to mention, it plays a role in prostate cancer development too. 

So, as you can imagine, managing DHT levels is very important. Consider these extracts which counteract DHT:

  • Saw Palmetto6
  • Pygeum7

Stay Strong with Protein

Men always want to remain lean and strong, no matter what age. And taking care of your muscles will definitely help. 

One key strategy is to eat enough protein. Men need between 1.0–1.3 grams per kilogram of body weight, and many fall short. Just to give you an example, a man weighing 160 pounds needs between 73-94 grams of protein daily. 

Healthy muscles mean a leaner frame. And the older one gets, the harder this becomes. As you get older, your muscles turn into fat. So, to maintain that slim physique, help yourself by getting extra protein. And don’t forget to lift weights — it really does make a difference.

But what types of protein are good? Start with your diet (lean cuts of meat, beans, nuts), but if you’d like to take it up a notch, supplement with protein powders. Whey protein is a good start. It has a high biological value, meaning it’s well utilized by your muscles. 


  1. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2007 Apr;28(2):182-6.
  2. Neurology. 2007 Feb 20;68(8):563-8
  3. Cur Opin in Endocrinol Diab Obesity. 2007; 14: 226-234.
  4. J Agric Food Chem. 2006 May 17;54(10):3535-40.
  5. Ann N Y Acad Sci. Jun 2002;963:239-46.
  6. Adv Ther. 2010 Aug;27(8):555-63.
  7. Urology. 2003 Feb;61(2):474-8.

Adapted from Life Extension Blog Aug 2013.